During the fifties and sixties I maintained my art studio in San Francisco where I painted oil paintings of metaphysical subjects and continued my occult studies. The cultural revolutionary activities of the sixties, which I both experienced and participated in as a key force, were for me not some pleasant ego satisfying events but rather the opportunity to serve my spiritual teacher, John Starr Cooke, as one of his extensions, and in order to carry out his world wide objectives as well as the objectives of the ancient and secret order to which he belonged. It was for this reason that after 11 years of preparation and under his supervision, I was able to recognize and create conditions and to seize manifesting opportunities which then could be shaped and directed towards the goals which the Order wished to occur. Although the entire plan of the Order is still not completely known to me even now, I can say that, after 1300 years of violent repression in the western world, the re-establishment of individual spiritual freedom was and is now a major goal for the Order. I will also say that the Expansion of Human Consciousness at this period of history is vital to protect domination and control of linear, silicate, massive computer technology.
Briefly, the sixties cultural revolutionary events which I either participated in co/initiated, or created were:
San Francisco - Beat Art Movement - 50s-60s
San Francisco - Love Pageant Rally - Oct 6th 1966
San Francisco - Human Be In - Jan 14th 1967
San Francisco - S.F. Oracle News Paper -1967
London - Albert Hall L.S.D. Event -1965
Mexico City - Plaza de tres Culturas -1967
student uprising
Stinson Beach, CA - Underground Press -1967
Organization Conference
Sausalito, CA - Houseboat Conference -1967
Watts/Ginsberg/Leary/Ram Dass
Millbrook, N.Y. - Millbrook Raid -1965
G. Gordon/Liddy vs. T. Leary
Washington, D.C. - March on Pentagon -1968
Calcutta, India - Tantric Sadhu Meeting -1969
Siem Rep., Cambodia - Nixon -1970
Secret Bombing
San Francisco - First Visionary Art Exhibition - 70's
S.F.A.I. Beginning of Visionary Art Movement
It is now 1995, and due to the grace of the gods I am lucky enough to live and have my art studio in San Francisco. I continue my metaphysical painting and occult studies and I continue the work of the Order.
I have married my beautiful 21 year old Isabella, who came to me in this foggy city as if a gift from those same gods I have served for so long. Many years ago my teacher John Starr Cooke had told me that my spiritual mate would come to me late in life, and so, she came from the Italian city of the flowers, Florence, to me in San Francisco, the American city of flower power. We live here now, happily making our paintings together and entering into the bliss world of meditation and love together. Our paintings, meditation tapes and music can be purchased directly from Isabella and I through our San Francisco Studio.